Gantz - Anime - AniDB (2024)

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The French may have said “Make love, not war” but then Gantz appeared and said “Why not do both”…

Gantz is a cool manga that did the mistake of asking from GONZO to turn it into an anime. It has a very violent and mysterious story that can easily glue you just to see what will happen next yet at the same time has a very slow build up that ends in a very confusing and almost unsatisfactory way.

As many will probably tell you, the anime is covering just the first three arcs of the manga, while the fourth is an anime original, done on the run to wrap the story. That move disappointed many, since anime originals are always trying to abruptly end a complicating story with poor reasoning.

Beyond that, the anime was still going slow just to stay away from the manga while at the same time had to last for a full season and not end out of the blue. The result was for a big portion of the excitement being lost at characters standing frozen and talking about irrelevant things in the most inappropriate moments. Although that was present in the manga as well, the time spent there definitely didn’t last that long and most of it felt like internal dialogue than chatting in the middle of a massacre.

Many disliked the characters for being too unmoral and carnal, violent and devoid of sympathy which further damaged the image of the anime. Well I can only blame GONZO for that since that was the intension of the mangaka from the start; to create a setting that made a contrast to all the shonen shows out there. The cast is indeed a bunch of miserable cowards and horny creeps instead of idealistic super-powered kids. Most of the magic of the story is how these bastards need to find the guts to get active and cooperate against their deadly adversaries instead of being apathetic idiots, waiting to be slaughtered like sheep. It was a social commentary around the modern way of life of sorts and I must say it was brilliant. GONZO unfortunately is a company completely incompetent at depicting human emotions in their characters and thus failed to use the proper aesthetics to make the viewers feel what I mentioned above. To most, the cast was indeed a bunch of nobodies, talking idiotically in the middle of a massacre and waiting to be killed. The lack of proper emotional depiction and music BGM just ruined it.

Another thing that felt bad for most is the complete lack of an objective. Why are all these things happening in the story? For what purpose? Again, this is a very unorthodox approach to storytelling as most people want a clear goal early on and yet all they saw here was a bunch of unsympathetic people being ordered to kill stuff. What for? The penalty for not obeying is death. The penalty for not playing right is death again. Ain’t they all dead already? So what is the point of fighting? Yet the series plays along in a way to not offer anything clear. Not even the rules of this game are explained at the unwilling players. Many need to randomly be killed just so the rest can figure it all out on their own. There are even some who have played the game before but refuse to reveal everything and just use the rookies as cannon fodder, distraction just so they can flank the enemy themselves. All that create a very aimless and seemingly pointless premise that leaves the average viewer at a complete disarray. And that is the beauty of it.

Imagine your average moe show that lacks an objective, other than to make you feel fuzzy inside with its easy going plotless stories. Gantz is probably the only anime that tries to do the exact reverse. You don’t understand the ulterior motives of this continual bloodshed yet you need to endure it. That actually works as means to think of stuff on your own and give your own interpretation of what is going on. So besides mindless action it was also a mystery that was asking from the viewer to solve it himself, without nothing be spelled for him. That of course can look as if the scriptwriter is too lazy to think of a story and just makes everything cryptic just to make it look cool. Sure, you can say he is. It also works fine because I was constantly thinking of possible reasons for all this mess.

The experienced eye can also figure out fast enough that everything is basically a social criticism of the modern way of life. The aliens in the story all represent various negative aspects of life, such as immigrants, NEETs and religious fanatics, all are in fact extensions of human folly that the average Joe needs to fight even if he doesn’t want to. Why? Well, because he is forced to do it, in the same way we are forced to spend decades in schools and workplaces. What is the ulterior motive of all that? Why, to survive in an industrialized world that cynically treats you as an expendable peon. There is no ulterior motive other than that. That is also what the show is all about, dressed with extreme doses of violence and sex. Because down to it, our most basic desires drive us no matter how idealistic we think we are and most hobbies, wars, studies, work hours end up being pointless time, existing just to keep us occupied. Even the dead can’t rest and are thrown to survive a second time in a perpetual on-going struggle for the most basic of all needs: Survival. The purpose is not to win but to stay alive. Indefinitely!

Even if you don’t think so deep, the show is still violent and sexual enough for you to just mindlessly stare at it… assuming the dreadful GONZO presentation doesn’t kill you first. It is exaggerating a lot in terms of gore and in depicting everybody as idiots and bastards as means to make you angry or disgusted with all that. And they do have some cool suits and weapons to break havoc if they ever manage to figure out how to use them properly. All that create potential for a numerous possible outcomes and it hardly feels it is predictable. I mean, in an average show you know early on how everything will end. The heroes will survive and beat the monsters and get married or something. Gantz is not like that since you don’t know who the main villains are. Plus, anyone can be killed at any given moment. It is its unexpected, violent, sexual formula that makes this anime extremely special.

Again, GONZO messed a lot at making all that clear and ended the show in a confusing and disappointing way. But beyond that, the production values are good and for once, the cold 3D models and the heartless music this company so much loves to ruin all its shows with for once worked nice since this is a show of pitiful people and no real goals.

Gantz is one of my favorite dark sci-fis and I gladly suggest it to everyone who likes this sort of themes. Just make sure to read the manga version as well, since it continues the story further ahead and offers far more material, as well as far more gore and sex.


And now for some excused scorings.


General Artwork 2/2 (well-made)
Character Figures 1/2 (generic)
Backgrounds 2/2 (fitting with the feeling of the series)
Animation 1/2 (basic)
Visual Effects 2/2 (trippy)


Voice Acting 2/3 (corny but fitting with the feeling of the series)
Music Themes 3/4 (not great but fitting with the feeling of the series)
Sound Effects 2/3 (ok I guess)


Premise 2/2 (interesting)
Pacing 1/2 (erratic)
Complexity 2/2 (rich context)
Plausibility 1/2 (so-so)
Conclusion 1/2 (cheesy)


Presence 1/2 (generic)
Personality 2/2 (rather cheesy but well founded)
Backdrop 1/2 (generic and simplistic but it’s there)
Development 1/2 (overblown but it’s there)
Catharsis 1/2 (overblown but it’s there)


Historical Value 1/3 (still remembered by some as an interesting retro title)
Rewatchability 1/3 (low because of the very slow plot)
Memorability 4/4 (extremely violent/sexy to the point of forever remembering it)


If pacing and ending were better, this would be a blast.

VERDICT: 6.5/10
Gantz - Anime - AniDB (2024)


Why was the Gantz anime canceled? ›

Over the years, the Gantz anime has seen multiple reasons explaining why it wasn't continued: It caught up with the manga, it wasn't getting a positive reception from the fandom, or it was too different from the source material. All of these factors are responsible for contributing to the discontinuation.

Is Gantz 0 related to anime? ›

On November 17, 2015, the film was originally announced in the December issue of Miracle Jump as an untitled, "full 3DCG" Gantz anime film. On April 18, 2016, the title of the movie was revealed to be Gantz: O and would be based on the Osaka arc of the original manga.

What is the movie Gantz O about? ›

Does Gantz have an ending? ›

The series ends with Kurono and Kato returning safely to Earth and being greeted as heroes.

What happened to Kei in Gantz? ›

Kei Kurono (Japanese: 玄野 計, Hepburn: Kurono Kei ) is a fictional character in the manga series Gantz written by Hiroya Oku. In the story, Kurono is a teenager who feels forced to save a man from a subway train alongside his childhood friend Masaru Kato, but is killed in the process.

Does Gantz anime cover the whole story? ›

Featuring a simple premise where the dead get a chance to fight for their right to rejoin the land of the living, the events of Gantz can be really messed up indeed. The anime series and film are pretty decent in their own right, but they're notably incomplete and don't feature the full story of Gantz.

Is Gantz G related to Gantz? ›

Gantz: G (stylized as GANTZ:G) is a Japanese manga series written by Hiroya Oku and Tomohito Ohsaki and illustrated by Keita Iizuka. It is a spin-off to Oku's Gantz manga series.

Is Gantz E connected to Gantz? ›

Gantz: E (stylized as GANTZ:E) is a Japanese manga series written by Hiroya Oku and illustrated by Jin Kagetsu. It is a spin-off to Oku's Gantz manga series, set in the Edo period.

Is Gantz like berserk? ›

As opposed to Berserk, which takes place in a fictional high-fantasy setting, Gantz is a sci-fi action series that takes place in a futuristic afterlife where recently deceased "contestants" are forced into playing a game to win a second chance at life on Earth.

Is Gantz a seinen or Shonen? ›

Seinen anime like Gantz and Goblin Slayer feature graphic violence, mature themes, and thought-provoking stories that appeal to older audiences.

Who is the girl from Gantz? ›

Gantz (TV Series 2004) - Mie Sonozaki as Sei Sakuraoka, High School Girl - IMDb.

Is Gantz good or bad? ›

Gantz otherwise known as cringe, is a very frustrating Anime with a somewhat brilliant concept however the way the writers decided their annoying characters should behave really tested my patience, you got extremely menacing aliens charging at characters armed with a powerful suit and ultra effective weapons (albeit ...

Who is the villain in Gantz? ›

Hajime Muroto is one of the main antagonists of Gantz.

What is the hardest boss in Gantz? ›

It is arguably the single strongest alien enemy in the entire series, taking numerous skilled players to finally defeat him. Regeneration and Healing Factor: The Nurarihyon Alien Boss possesses regeneration and healing powers second to none in the entire series.

Is there any Romance in Gantz? ›

The first romantic entanglement comes in the form of a triangle concerning Kei Kurono, Masaru Kato and Kei Kishimoto. What makes this romantic scenario one of the strongest depictions of love in Gantz is Kei Kurono's immaturity when focusing on her.

Why do so many good animes get cancelled? ›

Many anime were cancelled due to the low sales of their corresponding manga series. The recent globalization of anime has led to more remakes of older series and a changed business model.

Is the Gantz anime censored? ›

The Japanese TV broadcast of season one of this series was heavily censored to remove the graphic violence and nudity that it otherwise possesses. However, the DVD releases, as well as ADV's release, are complete and uncensored. In the long version of the opening, you can hear samples from the Atari 8-bit game Archon.

Why did Ranma get cancelled? ›

An anime television series was created by Studio Deen and aired weekly between April 15, 1989, and September 16, 1989, on Fuji TV for 18 episodes, before being canceled due to low ratings.


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