German Phrases to Use When You're Angry (2024)

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German Phrases to Use When You're Angry (2024)


German Phrases to Use When You're Angry? ›

Ich bin sauer. — I am mad.

What do Germans say when they're angry? ›

Ich bin sauer. — I am mad.

How to express frustration in German? ›

Here are some German phrases to express anger and frustration: “Das ärgert mich.” — That annoys me. “Ich bin wütend.” — I am angry. “Das ist zum Verrücktwerden!” — This is maddening!

What is the most aggressive German phrase? ›

Leck mich am Arsch!

This phrase is considered one of the most offensive things you can say in German.

How do you say you are mad in Germany? ›

German translation of 'angry'
  1. to be angry wütend or böse or verärgert sein.
  2. to be angry with or at sb jdm or auf jdn or mit jdm böse sein, über jdn verärgert sein.
  3. you're not angry (with me), are you? du bist (mir) doch nicht böse(, oder)?
  4. it makes me so angry es ärgert mich furchtbar, es macht mich so wütend or böse.

What is the insult law in Germany? ›

Range of Punishments for Insults under German Defamation Law

A basic insult can be sanctioned with a fine or a custodial sentence of up to one year. In qualified cases, where the insult is made in public or by means of assault, for example, a prison sentence of up to two years is even possible.

What does Klappe zu affe tot mean? ›

“Klappe zu, Affe tot”

Literal translation: Close the lid, the monkey is dead. Meaning: It's the end. The origin of this one is not really known, but it sure is a fun one to say. It's meant to be said in a more casual manner, a lot like the German phrase “that's all, folks!” or “that's the end of the story”.

What does kampfzwerg mean? ›

(der) battle dwarf, combat gnome.

How do you express empathy in German? ›

Here are some phrases you can use to express sympathy in German:
  1. “Es tut mir leid, das zu hören.” — I'm sorry to hear that.
  2. “Ich fühle mit dir.” — I empathize with you.
  3. “Das muss sehr schwer für dich sein.” — That must be very hard for you.
  4. “Ich bin für dich da.” — I'm here for you.
Jan 23, 2024

How do Germans express emotions? ›

German emotions are primarily expressed through gestures, with little emphasis on verbal expression.

What is considered rude in German? ›

Having a loud conversation, talking loud on the phone, or listening to loud music are considered very impolite as you will disturb other people. German people love to have their privacy. If you see a closed door, it doesn't mean that the person inside does not want you to come in.

What is a famous German swear word? ›

Scheiße. One of the most common bad words in German, scheiße, has several creative constructions that mirror the English use of “sh*t.” Oh Scheiße!

What does Ich habe Bock mean? ›

This expression derives from the old Rotwelsch word for “Hunger” (hunger) – namely “bokh”. This phrase is most commonly used to show that you either fancy something or are totally unwilling to do a certain activity. “Ich hab voll Bock auf Bier” (I'm totally up for a beer)

What do Germans say when they're annoyed? ›

You will most commonly hear someone yelling “Du gehst mir auf den Keks!” – which means that they are getting thoroughly annoyed by someone.

What is not allowed to say in Germany? ›

Insult is punishable under Section 185. Satire and similar forms of art enjoy more freedom but have to respect human dignity (Article 1 of the Basic law). Malicious Gossip and Defamation (Section 186 and 187). Utterances about facts (opposed to personal judgement) are allowed if they are true and can be proven.

How do you cuss someone out in German? ›

Mild Insults in German
  1. Halt die Klappe - Shut your trap (shut up)
  2. Quatsch! - Nonsense/ rubbish! ...
  3. Du Schweinehund - You pig dog. This funny swear word comes from Schwein, "pig", and Hund, "dog". ...
  4. Du spinnst wohl - You must be crazy.
  5. Der hat am Blitz geleckt - He is totally mental. ...
  6. Depp - Idiot.
Jan 10, 2023

What is mad in Germany? ›

The Military Counterintelligence Service (German: Militärischer Abschirmdienst; MAD) is one of the three federal intelligence agencies in Germany, and is responsible for military counterintelligence within Bundeswehr.

What are the negative phrases in German? ›

Affirmative sentencesNegative sentences
Ich habe Kinder.Ich habe keine Kinder.
I have childrenI have no children. / I don't have any children.
Meine Frau hat ein Haus.Meine Frau hat kein Haus.
My wife has a house.My wife has no house. / My wife doesn't have a house.

What is an insult to German feeling? ›

'Entartete Kunst' (or 'Degenerate Art') was a derogatory term adopted by the Nazi regime in Germany. An exhibition entitled 'Entartete Kunst' opened in Munich in 1937 displaying works deemed to be 'an insult to German feeling'. It went on to tour the country.

What are famous German sayings? ›

9 Colorful German Expressions
  • “Aller Anfang ist schwer.” (Every beginning is hard.) ...
  • “Kein Bier vor vier.” (No beer before four.) ...
  • “Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei.” (Everything has an end, only the sausage has two.) ...
  • “Der Fisch stinkt vom Kopf her.” (The fish starts stinking from the head.)


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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.