Overwatch 2: 15 Hardest Heroes To Play As, Ranked (2024)


  • Overwatch 2 changes to 5v5 combat and single tank role queue have made the game faster and provided more room for DPS and Support heroes to shine.
  • Some heroes in Overwatch 2, such as Illari and Sombra, may require more adjustments and skill to succeed in the new environment.
  • Mastering heroes like Junkrat and Lucio can be challenging due to their unique mechanics and playstyles, but they can be powerful assets in the game.

Blizzard brought a lot of changes to Overwatch 2, some of which involved tweaking hero abilities and roles. The biggest change fans have been reacting to is the switch to 5v5 combat and single tank role queue. This means that double shield team fights are done, leaving one shield per team and more room for DPS and Support heroes to get shots in.


Overwatch 2: All Tank Heroes, Ranked

Bring the best tank in Overwatch 2 to ensure the enemy team is steamrolled, and the allies come out to sweet victory, every time.

This change makes the game much faster, with movement abilities and speed buffs making huge differences on the battlefield. Overwatch 2 players may have noticed that certain heroes are more difficult to pilot in this new environment. That's not to say that these heroes are bad picks, just that they may require more adjustments than others to succeed in 5v5.

Updated March 4, 2024, by Jake Fillery: Overwatch 2 has over 40 heroes, and deciding which one to use in a fight could mean the difference between defeat and victory. Whether players enjoy a good bout of competitive or casual play, every hero has a purpose in Overwatch 2, and each pick will be judged by a team that wants to come out on top. As such, some of the hardest heroes to learn in Overwatch 2 have an additional pressure based on the team composition how they stack against other heroes, and the necessary learning curve required to play them.

23 Reinhardt

Save The Team With Barrier Field

Overwatch 2: 15 Hardest Heroes To Play As, Ranked (2)

On paper, Reinhardt seems pretty simple. He's a large tank with a Rocket Hammer for swinging into enemies, and a Barrier Field for keeping himself and his allies shielded from damage. However, Reinhardt is a tank on which the entire team must rely. Reinhardt can't just jump in and start swinging madly into the enemy team, and his skill gauge must go deeper than that to keep himself and his team alive.

What makes Reinhardt a hard hero to play is the fact that his team is going to rely on him for his shielding capabilities, and his damage output with the hammer is so close-range, and not nearly as effective as high-firing weapons, that entering a fight might spell doom for him and even a team wipe, unless they are effective at swinging, moving around, and using Fire Strikes.

22 Illari

Create Bursts Of Healing & Cause Damage From Above

Overwatch 2: 15 Hardest Heroes To Play As, Ranked (3)

The newest Overwatch 2 character to grace the game is Illari, a character that remains a vessel for the powers of the sun. As a support character, Illari can be difficult to master, especially since she is a brand new character to Overwatch 2 that many are still trying to figure out.

Illari is armed with a Solar Rifle, that to many, might seem slow, and lacking the punch that other heroes have. However, as a support player, those who wield the Solar Rifle and Illari as their hero of choice should know that they should not be directly involved in the fight, and they should be dedicated to ensuring their team is healed, which is also hard to learn with a lack of assistance from the team.

21 Sombra

Get Behind Enemies & Hack Their Abilities

Overwatch 2: 15 Hardest Heroes To Play As, Ranked (4)

Sombra has some new tweaks in Overwatch 2, she deals more damage to hacked opponents, and Hack's cooldown is much shorter; however, it no longer gets reduced for health pack hacks. Health packs also remain hacked for 30 seconds now, instead of the former 60. Sombra can also remain in stealth mode while hacking, though she is visible for the entire cast time.


Overwatch 2: Best Team Comps You Should Try

Overwatch 2 has a meta that constantly changes, with new heroes interfering with the norm. Yet, with these comps, players are in for a victory.

Sombra's difficulty comes from her positioning; she can get caught in fire fairly easily when trying to nail down a target to hack. The lack of a second shield makes her more vulnerable as well, and players will need to really master her stealth to make effective use of Sombra.

20 Junkrat

An Explosive Expert Who Relies On Physics

Overwatch 2: 15 Hardest Heroes To Play As, Ranked (6)

Junkrat is a master of explosions and a demolition expert who may or may not have blown off his own leg in a curious case of a homemade explosion. Despite his obvious unhinged personality, Junkrat is a great pick for controlling certain situations as a damage character. Armed with his grenade launcher and his concussion mine, Junkrat can deal some pretty nasty damage.

However, Junkrat is a rare character in Overwatch 2, as he features geometry-based weaponry. Players can’t just use a sniper rifle with Junkrat, as they will need to pinpoint where to fire so that their weapons bounce and hit their desired target. This can leave some players simply spamming their weapon, rather than aiming for accurate shots that will make them the best Junkrat player in Overwatch 2.

19 Cassidy

Great Accuracy Is Essential To Fast Damage

Overwatch 2: 15 Hardest Heroes To Play As, Ranked (7)

The man behind the hat got some reworks in Overwatch 2, including a new Magnetic Grenade that replaces his Flashbang. This grenade sticks to enemies before exploding for huge damage, and Fan The Hammer also got buffed with a fire rate increase.

Cassidy doesn't have much survivability beyond his Combat Roll, and he is often better off trying to outgun his opponent than retreating for better positioning. Cassidy is great for taking down flanking enemies, but damage heroes with long-range can catch Cassidy off guard.

18 Zarya

Keep Allies Alive With Shields & Provide Strong Damage

Overwatch 2: 15 Hardest Heroes To Play As, Ranked (8)

As a celebrated athlete, Zarya shows that she is more than capable with the protection of her friends, family, and country with her Particle Cannon. Zarya is another great tank choice for Overwatch 2 players to pick, but it may take some time to master just how her abilities work, and how they can be used to assist both her damage and her team’s composition.

Zarya has two barriers, one that she can use on herself, and another she can place on her teammate. These barriers are brief, but they are essential to making sure she puts out damage. Players will have to master her specific mechanics if they are to survive and thrive as a Zarya main.

17 Mauga

Close Range Firepower

Overwatch 2: 15 Hardest Heroes To Play As, Ranked (9)

The newest tank to grace Overwatch 2, Mauga came in hot and fiery but has since cooled. The tank had the capabilities of being an even more fierce Orisa, but he exists in a pretty average spot, albeit with the touch of a learning curve. Armed with dual miniguns and two hearts, Mauga requires a level of knowledge to play him, especially since he's a new addition.

Mauga's abilities rely on taking damage and dealing damage in order to keep him alive, but when outnumbered by enemies, he isn't going to last. Players will need to work fast on their headshots, as well as think fast on how to escape if they need their team in order to stay alive as Mauga.

16 D.Va

Absorb Damage & Create Fast Flanking

Overwatch 2: 15 Hardest Heroes To Play As, Ranked (10)

Another tank character to grace Overwatch players is D.Va. She is not easy to control, but she’s certainly one worthy of mastering thanks to one of her abilities, which negates and eats damage, including other heroes’ ultimate abilities.

D.Va players need to know their positioning, as they can be a quick target to destroy, especially when D.Va is out of her mech and easy to eliminate. However, her own ultimate is a great backup and can be used to nuke unsuspecting opponents.

15 Wrecking Ball

Get Behind Enemies For Effective Distractions

Overwatch 2: 15 Hardest Heroes To Play As, Ranked (11)

Wrecking Ball has had his Roll knockback buffed by a solid 36%, which means skilled players can launch enemies greater distances when speeding through the map. Map knowledge is key for Hammond, as his movement is wasted if he gets sent flying in the wrong direction or off the map entirely.


Overwatch 2: 11 Best Female Heroes

Diverse and interesting, Overwatch 2's roster of female heroes is quite commendable, with the following characters standing out the most.

Building momentum can be tricky for new Wrecking Ball players, as speed is key for getting those huge initial knockbacks. Wrecking Ball's kit is very versatile and great for zoning enemies into difficult positions; it just takes a good amount of practice to see results. Knocking enemies off the map is quite an achievement, and it makes Wrecking Ball all the more special.

14 Sojourn

Use The Railgun For Hard-Hitting Damage

Overwatch 2: 15 Hardest Heroes To Play As, Ranked (13)

Speed is key when it comes to Sojourn, one of the leaders of Overwatch’s strike team. Sojourn is back and stronger than ever with the newly formed version of her team, as she is desperate that the team does not make the mistakes of the past. To help her, players will be armed with her Railgun, and her power slide to assist them in making some fast plays.

Some players might find Sojourn’s speed hard to master, as her ability to power slide and jump high in the air might disorientate some. Her railgun is also cause for concern for some players, as those who wield it need to be accurate to ensure their opponents are sent to their graves. Sojourn benefits from quick thinking, fast movement, and high accuracy.

13 Pharah

Fly High For Strong Damage

Overwatch 2: 15 Hardest Heroes To Play As, Ranked (14)

The power of flight is gifted to those who play Pharah, but that doesn’t mean she’s an easy one to master. Some of the hardest characters to play in Overwatch are those that feature a risk system such as Pharah’s, as she cannot remain in the air indefinitely.

There’s a good reason that Pharah is one of the hardest Overwatch characters, and that’s her dependency on movability and counters. Pharah can be a real nuisance due to her constant evading, explosive damage, and flying, but mastering her balance of fuel and firepower is no easy task.

12 Lifeweaver

Grab Allies Out Of Danger & Commit To Fast Damage

Overwatch 2: 15 Hardest Heroes To Play As, Ranked (15)

Another new support hero in Overwatch 2 that might be difficult for some to learn is Lifeweaver. Despite this creator of biolight being determined to heal the world of all its pains, he might have a hard time, considering the likes of Talon don’t exactly want peace. Nevertheless, players who attempt to embark on Lifeweaver’s mission might find themselves in a challenging but rewarding time.


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Like all support characters, Lifeweaver suffers from being a target, as he is capable of healing teammates. Lifeweaver has many abilities, and it may overwhelm players who are trying to learn them, especially when there is a total of 6 to master. Trying to balance healing, staying alive, and pulling teammates away from deadly damage may be a heavy toll, but one Lifeweaver mains might excel once they master it.

11 Genji

Deflect Damage Back Into Enemies

Overwatch 2: 15 Hardest Heroes To Play As, Ranked (17)

Genji has fantastic movement and damage potential from any range, which makes him a beast in Overwatch 2. New players may get stuck in dangerous spots if they aren't constantly aware of the game state and enemy positioning.

Genji is best at poking down opponents from a distance before diving in with his Swift Strike and Dragonblade. A poorly timed Swift Strike gets Genji killed more than anything else, and players should always beware of their Deflect cooldown before doing anything crazy.

10 Zenyatta

Make Enemies Vulnerable To Damage & Heal Allies Over Time

Overwatch 2: 15 Hardest Heroes To Play As, Ranked (18)

Zenyatta is a strong hybrid hero who can heal allies and deal out massive damage at the same time. Though, he remains one of the most vulnerable heroes in the game and is easy for the enemy team to take out.

Some situations definitely call for Zenyatta and others where it's best to pick a different hero entirely. Skilled Zenyatta players know how to take advantage of the game state and stay out of harm's way. This support can easily top damage charts, but it's largely dependent on whether the enemy has counter-picked or not.

9 Lucio

Fast Healing & Faster Movement

Overwatch 2: 15 Hardest Heroes To Play As, Ranked (19)

Lucio may be quick, with a feature of good tunes, healing, and damage, but he’s one of Overwatch2's hardest heroes for a reason. Lucio doesn’t have a lot of health and has a pretty small healing range for his team. Most importantly, his speed is hard to master, as Lucio will be dependent on wall riding to get to places fast, whether to contest or save his team.

Lucio is a high target due to his small size and lack of health, but mastering him sure is a reliable tactic for teams. Lucio is one of the best support characters in Overwatch2, and he’s a hard one to play due to his movability and targeting.

8 Ana

Put Enemies To Sleep & Pick Them Off At Range

Overwatch 2: 15 Hardest Heroes To Play As, Ranked (20)

Ana is best at medium or long distances, staying behind her team and offering support and extra damage. Ana lacks mobility skills and has slower ground movement, so close-range combat is her biggest weakness.

New Ana players may find it difficult to keep her safe, as overextending is practically a death sentence. Ana can also put enemies to sleep with her Sleep Dart, though players want to ensure they are targeting the right enemies. Sleep Dart is great when Ana gets put in a tight spot or for dealing with an enemy hero on a rampage; it's not particularly effective against tanks who can likely outlive the 3 seconds of sleep.

7 Symmetra

Create Death Traps

Overwatch 2: 15 Hardest Heroes To Play As, Ranked (21)

Symmetra used to be a fairly easy choice. Players could just hold down the fire button and watch as their Photon Projector locks onto enemies and increases damage with continuous fire. Yet, after a few nerfs, Symmetra has become a fairly skilled pick, thanks to the fact that she needs to aim her short-range beam, and time her explosive orb shots to take care of enemies.


Best Games To Play If You Like Overwatch 2

As Blizzard's Overwatch 2 is quite polarizing, fans might wish to try out some games similar to the hero shooter.

She's no longer a Support character, and her time as a damage hero has seen a few strange additions, like how she cannot heal herself. However, a well-placed teleporter, and a trap wall of Sentry Turrets, make her a skilled and near-essential pick to melt opponents.

6 Echo

Commit To Damage From Above

Overwatch 2: 15 Hardest Heroes To Play As, Ranked (23)

An often overlooked pick, Echo can be a devastating damage hero with great movement and arguably the most versatility in the game. Echo can copy an enemy hero, giving her access to many skills and ultimate abilities. The difficulty for the player is deciding which enemy to copy at each instance and how Echo's Duplicate interacts with that hero specifically.

If the player Duplicates an enemy that doesn't necessarily benefit the team, they can find themselves stuck for the duration of the skill. This is especially unfortunate when Duplicate is used on an enemy that the player has no prior experience with.

5 Baptiste

Keep Allies Immortal With Fast Healing

Overwatch 2: 15 Hardest Heroes To Play As, Ranked (24)

Being a supporting character in Overwatch2 is no easy task, and Baptiste is a stellar reason why. Baptiste has a lot going for him, and many different ways for him to fight. Baptiste may have to balance healing and damage simultaneously, but it’s what makes him a very good support character.

It’s a hard job to maximize DPS and healing at the same time, but something Baptiste players will be able to utilize the more they practice. One of his best abilities is not only his high jump but the fact that he can put up an area of effect where his team remains invulnerable.

4 Doomfist

Get Too Close For Comfort With A Brawler

Overwatch 2: 15 Hardest Heroes To Play As, Ranked (25)

Perhaps one of the, if not most complex characters in Overwatch to learn is Doomfist. This character plays almost like a homage to fighting games, as he will pair his moves and counters with combos to build both damage and armor for himself. Doomfist is hard to learn but pays off to those that know him well.

The advantage of trying to learn how to play Doomfist comes from the fact that he is a tank character in Overwatch2, meaning he has a lot of health. Doomfist needs to use his moves in succession to be an effective tank.

Overwatch 2: 15 Hardest Heroes To Play As, Ranked (2024)


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