QT Quarrel (Fanfic) - TV Tropes (2024)

Lincoln is down in the dumps after Ronnie Anne, his best female friend moves away. Some, however, see this as an opportunity. A group of girls known as the QTs can freely approach Lincoln without Ronnie's inference. However, will their alliance hold? Can one of them claim Lincoln as theirs before others take him for themselves?

A The Loud House fanfic by MKM2KQT Quarrel (Fanfic) - TV Tropes (1), it can be read hereQT Quarrel (Fanfic) - TV Tropes (2).

QT Quarrel provides examples of:

  • A-Cup Angst: Lynn takes it hard when she discovers that Maggie is actually a little younger than her despite having the physique of someone Luna's age. When she finds out the girl is her brother's age despite also having the build of someone older, Lynn has a small mental breakdown.
  • Action Girl:
    • Adora, a tough-as-nails personal trainer.
    • Alexandria, whose martial arts skills earned her the title of "Karate QT".
  • Adaptational Jerkass: Bumper Jr. has become rather unpleasant during and especially after the State Math losing it to Lynn Loud Jr. He starts plotting his revenge.
  • Adaptational Name Change: Downplayed, in the show, Lincoln's middle name is Albert, but here, it's Leonidas.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: Lisa, Lynn & Chandler are noticeably nicer to Lincoln.
  • Age Lift: Haiku is attending the 5th grade with Lincoln in this fic; canon would later reveal that she (and the rest of the Morticians Club) attend the 3rd grade with Lucy.
  • All of the Other Reindeer: Cristina finds herself a social outcast for what she did to Lincoln.
  • Amazon Chaser: Lincoln's parkour instructor is a pretty, buff woman who he can't deny he finds attractive. In general, Lincoln and Lynn Sr. both have a thing for tough women.
  • Amazonian Beauty: Adora's sculpted body gained her some admirers being Hugh who's her boyfriend and Belle.
  • Amicable Exes: Averted with Nikki's parents as they've been viciously arguing outside of the Bodega.
  • Anger Born of Worry: Renee thought Lincoln was harmed or worse he pushed her out of the way of a speeding car hugging him then punching him in the shoulder. Ronnie Anne also ripped him a new one as he casually mentioned when he returned home, yelling at him in Spanish over his recklessness.
  • Animal Motifs: Lincoln's resemblance to a rabbit is repeatedly lampshaded, with Lincoln replying in resigned annoyance whenever it crops up.
  • Anything but That!: Maggie considers being forced to listen to Lincoln slowly read the Princess Pony books to be the worst punishment imaginable, to the point she'd be willing to show him her chest if it meant she didn't have to listen to that.
  • Ascended Extra: Numerous characters such as the Qts, Maggie, Haiku, Hugh, Nikki, Stella, Albert, Myrtle, and the Yates have been given prominent roles and focus throughout the story.
  • Asshole Victim: Does anyone care about Lord Tetherby's fate? He attempted to kill his cousin, violated and demeaned his employees. A pompous, entitled, selfish man who lost all of fortunate, title and status. Lincoln kicked his ass, got thrown in jail with nothing to name.
  • The Atoner: Cristina is trying to make up for what she did to Lincoln, and not doing a very good job of it.
    • Let's add the entire Loud family for "No Such Luck", especially Lynn Jr. and Rita.
  • Bad Future: The future is implied to be one of extremely low resources. Food is heavily processed and relationships are chosen for you for the sake of maintaining genetic diversity rather than romantic compatibility and you're lucky if you can make it work.
  • Be Yourself: Leni tells Lincoln he doesn't have to dress up like a greaser just to impress a girl.
  • Berserk Button: Don't refuse Cookie offering you cookies.
    • Luck has become this for Lynn in the aftermath of "No Such Luck". After Paula accidentally pushes it when she nearly blames a sabotaged soccer match on bad luck in an attempt to boost morale, Lynn warns her to shut up before she breaks Paula's good leg.
    • Lincoln accidentally pushes it when asking about female Space Marines. The entire store almost attacks at him but Hugh explains that Lincoln is new to the franchise.
  • The Bet: Virtually everybody in Lincoln's life from his friends to his family to his teachers are all making bets on which one of the many girls trying to court him will become his girlfriend.
  • Big Brother Instinct:
    • The Louds siblings deeply care for their brother. When Cristina shows her face, they make it clear that they want her gone.
    • Rita herself understands their protectiveness, having been defensive of her own younger cousin when she was around their age.
  • Butt-Monkey: Lincoln's status as the series's punching bag is noticeably downplayed, and allows more of his positive qualities to be noticed but not so much that he becomes perfect. Gradually, he begins tough enough to fight back against the torments he faces.
  • Call-Back: Lincoln reveals that the reason why he didn't go gaga over Stella as his friends did was that the last time he tried to see if a girl liked him without sufficient evidence, he got a black eye for it.
  • The Cameo:
    • Agents J and K pay a visit to Principal Huggins when it looks like Lincoln is about to tell his friends about his birth.
    • Adora is Lincoln's parkour instructor.
  • Cerebus Retcon: It actually hurt Lincoln a lot more than was seen in the show to be rejected so harshly by Cristina.
  • Chick Magnet: Lincoln Loud has a fan club full of girls who all want to be his girlfriend, and it only gets bigger with every chapter.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Despite denying it, Ronnie Anne is insanely jealous of any girl who goes near Lincoln and violently threatens Nikki in Spanish if she tries anything with him.
  • Clueless Chick-Magnet: Lincoln starts off the story not realizing he has a literal fan club of girls dedicated to him. He does find out pretty quickly thanks to Clyde, but he still doesn't quite realize how many other girls like him.
  • Cool Big Sis: Adora tries to be this towards Lincoln but he counters her by saying that he already has five older sisters. She settles on being his cool older cousin instead.
  • Cool Old Guy: Pop-Pop, who gets to show off the fighting skills he gained from Vietnam.
  • Cool Old Lady: Stella's grandma known as Elder Zhau counts as this. The two share a similar relationship to Lincoln and Albert. She teaches Tai-Chi in the park and knows about pressure points and even helps her granddaughter prepare a large banquet to attract Lincoln's attention.
  • Corrupt the Cutie: What Lisa fears is happening with Lincoln, after eavesdropping on his planning with Lynn Jr. on how to get back at Bumper Jr.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Lincoln has a resume of him and his family when meeting Stella's family. Along with several walkie-talkies and grappling hooks. Lisa too with her bunker. Even a room prepared for Lincoln when he wants to escape from his family.
  • Cunning Linguist: Stella is fluent in English, Filipino, Chinese, and a little bit of Spanish.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Albert delivered one to Lincoln when they sparred with a monstrous punch sending him flying across the room. Alexandria and Serena backed out before a single punch was thrown.
  • Curb Stomp Cushion: Lincoln bows out of his first fight with Alexandria, but not before he manages to put up a decent defense without even knowing a thing about fighting, which is what draws Alexandria to Lincoln.
  • Cut His Heart Out with a Spoon: During Lincoln's Rage Breaking Point in Chapter 22:

    Lola: Oh, that's money in the swear jar, or I'm telling mom.
    [Lincoln grabs her by the collar]
    Lola: [squeaking] Linky
    Lincoln: One more word out of you, Lola, I'm going to shove my foot so far up your butthole that I'll make your intestines into thigh-highs.

  • Death Glare: Lincoln has developed one strong enough to freeze a horde of kids fighting over pizza in place until he gets his own.
  • Didn't We Use This Joke Already?: It happened twice with Lynn Jr. regarding her chest size after being introduced to Maggie and Alexandria despite being older than them.
  • The Dog Bites Back: A theme of the story is Lincoln learning to hit back at the mistreatment he has to endure. He doesn't even hesitate to give his sisters holy hell.
  • Dude Magnet:
    • Cristina's cousin Belle, a.k.a. QT Quarrel (Fanfic) - TV Tropes (3)the range dress-wearing background character, fan-named "Thicc QT", is attractive enough that she provokes the same sort of reaction Ms. DiMartino does from the boys.
    • Stella has Lincoln's four friends fighting over her. She's not pleased since it's implied that the boys at her last school either did the same or were put off by her height. She considers Lincoln the best guy she knows because he's the only one of her male friends that isn't trying to score a date with her.
  • Dumb Is Good: Leni is the only sister who doesn't want to force her own idea of a romantic partner on Lincoln, knowing that whoever Lincoln dates has to make him happy.
  • Dumbass Has a Point: Leni is the one who points out to her sisters that they can't force a girl they would like onto Lincoln, and they can't make Lincoln be what they want them to be. Lynn lampshades this, thinking Leni actually saying something astute is the sign of the apocalypse.
  • Dumbass No More: Her parents' attempt to make her more well-rounded sees Lynn being tutored in math and doing well enough in it that now she is getting requests to be the tutor and beat out Bumper Yates Jr. at the state math bowl.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: Lucy's tarot reading foretells that her brother will go through hardships in the future, but it will all be worth it in the end.
  • Elaborate Underground Base: A downplayed trope since it's Lisa's bunker but she's planning to expand.
  • Eternally Pearly-White Teeth: The Yates family's teeth are so shiny, they blind whoever looks at them.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Lisa is incredibly immoral with her experiments, to the point where the government has to keep tabs on her, but she would never design robots that would defy their creators and rebel against humanity.

    Lisa: "Yes. I may be a mad scientist, but I'm not that mad. I'm not trying to create a robot revolt."

  • FBI Agent: Rita’s cousin Alex mentioned from chapter 8 finally made his appearance in chapter 24 during an interrogation.
  • Foreshadowing: In chapter 16 Lucy reads Lincoln's fortune. She draws the Knight of Swords in reverse and predicts Lincoln is going to encounter a coward with an inferiority complex, and it's not going to be one that can be solved without violence. Later on, Rusty, already jealous that Lincoln is attracting a literal fan club of girls while he has no luck with them, crosses his fingers when Lincoln's friends promise not to pursue Stella.
  • The Fellowship Has Ended: The Qts disbanded. Somewhat subverted as they continue to remain as friends.
  • Freudian Excuse: A discussed example. Several characters comment that considering the grief he gets from his sisters and school, Lincoln could claim a plausible villain origin story.
  • Friendly Address Privileges: Lincoln tells Girl Jordan that only his sisters can call him "Linky" during their first dodgeball match.
  • Friends with Benefits: Lincoln tells the QTs that according to a teen magazine, he and Ronnie Anne are one level below being this. He doesn't know what that means and his sisters won't tell him until he's older, but he guesses it means he could kiss Ronnie or any one of the QTs and it wouldn't mean anything serious. Mollie is about ready to take him up on that offer before she's pulled away from him.
  • Future Badass: It's implied that Lincoln is going to grow into one of these.
  • Future Descendant: "Michael" the time traveler is all but stated to be Lincoln's far off future descendant.
  • Go Mad from the Revelation: Lord Tetherby's mind shattered at the information provided by Michael and the nature of his mission.
  • Good Is Not Soft: Something Albert drilled into Lincoln's head when confronting this mystery foe. Negotiation isn't an option.
  • Gratuitous Spanish: When Nikki insinuates she may hit on Lincoln, Ronnie Anne violently threatens her not to in Spanish.

    Ronnie Anne:Si tanto como el olor de mi Lincoln. Mi bebé conejito de miel. Te voy a rasgar en pedazos y alimentar a mis gatos. ¿ENTIENDES?!"note

  • Green-Eyed Monster: Rusty is not happy that Lincoln is the ladies' man he wishes he was.
  • Grew a Spine: Lincoln stood up to Lori and Lola after learning martial arts from Adora and Albert.
  • Has a Type: Both Lincoln and his father have a thing for strong, assertive, and tough women. Lincoln goes into explicit detail about the kind of girl he wants.

    Lincoln: "Personality-wise. Strong-willed, intelligent, assertive, confident, cooper with a nurturing for good measure. Appearance-wise. my taste will probably change. Overall it's recommended, not required. Tan-skin, redhead or ginger, Latina, tomboys with a bit of femme. Also, goths are looking pretty good right now. And if I'm anything like my dad. A nice butt."

  • Heel Realization:
    • Cristina realizes she might have been too hard on Lincoln by blanking him after the video problem.
    • After Leni calls them out, his sisters realize when discussing what kind of girlfriend Lincoln should have now that Ronnie has moved that they're just discussing what they want them to be rather than what would be best for Lincoln.
  • Height Angst: Stella has a serious case of this. She feels that any boys that don't turn into Casanova Wannabes around her are only that way because they are disgusted by how tall she is.
    • Lynn is afraid that she'll end up a short adult. She's not pleased that her two years younger brother is now taller than her. After finding out that Maggie actually has only recently turned thirteen despite being taller and more developed than her, Lynn has a mini-breakdown.
  • Heroic Seductress: Belle uses a mild case of this when she attempts to use her looks to convince Lincoln to forgive Cristina. To her surprise, it doesn't work.
  • Hidden Depths: Lisa gets hooked on Dr. STONE in chapter 16.
    • Hugh is a fantasy lover where an entire store knew him by name.
    • Lincoln has knowledge about native Michigan flowers.
  • House Husband: Discussed between the QTs in Chapter 11 in regards to Lincoln. Mollie starts fantasizing about a possible future between her and Linc involving this, to the others' bemusem*nt.
  • How the Mighty Have Fallen: Lord Tobias Tetherby was among the wealthiest in Royal Woods probably all of Michigan. Now he lost all of his wealth along with the power and prestige that came with it. Tetherby is nothing more than a belligerent vagrant sitting in a prison cell alone.
  • Icy Blue Eyes: A recurring motif for Lincoln when he's serious or intimidating. Also, it's disturbing to his family.
  • Identical Stranger: Carol Pringey is basically Lori with longer hair. Also the Lori lookalike from 'Not a Loud'. Everyone see it except Lincoln who insists that they nothing lookalike
  • Incompatible Orientation: Maggie isn't pleased to find out that Luan has a crush on Benny. She asks Lincoln if any of his siblings like girls. He tells her that outside of Luna, he is the only member of his siblings that likes girls.
  • Irony: Stella doesn't want to be more than friends with the guys and is put off by them trying to pursue her romantically. She's starting to develop feelings for Lincoln because he isn't trying to pursue her romantically and is treating her like a friend.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: The purpose of Lincoln, Alexandria and Serena's first real sparring match against Adora and Albert.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Lord Tetherby is a selfish, greedy, and lustful hedonist who used time travel to amass a fortune and regularly uses his money for "interviews" with his attractive employees. "Michael" the time cop doesn't arrest him, but he does correct things to how they should be and undoes everything Tetherby did while abusing time travel. Erasing the man's entire fortune and leaving him as he should be: a penniless, toothless vagrant.
  • Le Parkour: One of Lincoln's main skills that he kept after his parents tried to make him and his sisters more 'well-rounded'. It came in handy numerous times.
  • Lethal Chef: Unlike her husband, Rita Loud can apparently burn water. Lincoln proves he at least is starting to take after his father in one way by proving he can cook too.
  • Lost Food Grievance: Lincoln apparently broke Luan's foot after she took some of his food.
  • The Lost Lenore: 'Dolly' the Loud children's maternal grandmother who died years before the start of the series. It's heavily implied that she joined a cult and engaged in a group suicide.
  • Love at First Punch: Downplayed. Tournament variation. To everyone's surprise, Lincoln manages to beat Girl Jordan in dodgeball. She soon ends up also falling for Lincoln, wanting his "bootylicious butt".
  • Lying Finger Cross: Rusty has no intention of keeping the "Guy Pact" that he, Clyde, Rusty, and Liam made that promises they'll stop pursuing Stella until she has stated an interest in any of them.
  • Male Gaze: Several lovely ladies caught Lincoln's eyes. Annabelle, Carlotta, Maggie, Adora, and Mrs. Yates.
  • Martial Pacifist: Both Adora and Pop-Pop are both genial people on a good day, and they think picking a fight to prove how tough you are is stupid. But they're not afraid to be tough on their charges to prepare them to fight against those who don't fight fair.
  • Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: Discussed in Chapter 8. Lisa had always wondered about Lori's preference for submissive men (like Bobby) and Lincoln's preference for dominant girls (like Ronnie Anne), and Rita's bragging about "wearing the pants" between her and Lynn Sr. lead her to realize that they must've gotten this from their parents. Luna, meanwhile, comes to the realization that their mom being dominant must also be the reason why there are so many of them. Though this doesn't mean that Lincoln will fold to the whims of every girl around him, and his change of attitude in the later chapter has him behaving much more assertively than everyone expects him to.
  • The Men in Black: They exist in this world, neuralyzers and everything. They monitor for any mentions of alien activity, pick up on when Lincoln hints at the matters of his birth but brush it off, and complain that monitoring civilians is the FBI's job, not theirs.
  • Morton's Fork: Margo and Paula approaches Drew giving him his options. He helps them takedown Bumper Jr and reduces his punishment or he can refuse, keep clean their stadium until the end of middle school with Bumper Jr. helping him. Doesn't matter which Drew choose since they have a plan for Bumper Jr. but Drew's help will make everything easier. He agrees to their demands.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Belle/Thicc QT is fully aware of this and is even willing to weaponize it to her advantage.
  • Muscles Are Meaningful: All that time Lincoln was made to spend at the gym really has done him a world of good, and not just because the girls like the view.
  • My Eyes Are Up Here: Said word for word by Maggie when she catches Lincoln staring. He tells her he's made his choice and continues staring.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: The Yates parents are horrified to hear from the Louds about cases where people have died from overworking, or children who had Education Mama parents who never spoke to them again after becoming successful adults from the resentment of their childhoods.
  • My Greatest Failure:
    • Leni considers adhering to the sister fight protocol this, since it led to her nearly losing Lincoln as her brother.
    • The entire Loud family considers the "No Such Luck" incident to be this, considering how it poisoned their relationship with Lincoln for quite a while.
  • My Sister Is Off-Limits: Lynn Jr. is rather protective of Lincoln as she often threatens or warns her friends particularly Margo if they even think of it.
  • No Periods, Period: Somewhat averted. To cover up when Lincoln overhears them talking about him from the other room, Luan blurts out that Lynn just had her first period. Lynn does not appreciate it.
  • Not Distracted by the Sexy: Played with. Lincoln is as distracted by Belle as any of the other guys who look at her, but not so distracted that he'll forgive her little cousin on her request.
  • Not So Above It All: Lincoln might have been able to overcome Belle trying to use her looks to get Lincoln to forgive Cristina, but he can't stop staring at her behind as she walks away without outside help.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Cookie QT/Cynthia (later Retconned to Courtney), Lincoln even thought Cookie was her actual name.
  • Overly Long Hug: Haiku and Lincoln's hug to the enjoyment of the Morticians club, Maggie and Lucy.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: Nikki's mom is prejudiced against most non-white people, and the woman tried to force her daughter not to work with Ronnie Anne on a project because of Ronnie's Mexican ancestry.
  • Power Trio: Lincoln, Alexandria & Serena/Pandora are Adora students with their own styles.
  • Prisoner's Dilemma: The next phase of Lincoln's and Lynn's plan to deal with Bumper Jr's revenge scheme after Drew was caught. He explained to Polly, Margo, and Lynn that the two or more people are involved in a crime and are given a plea deal. They'll take it since it's the logical outcome. Not the ideal one but better than the other ones.
  • Race Lift: An in-universe examples are Ms.Bernardo and the Games and Grubs waitress. The Games and Grub waitress gained a darker skin tone whereas Ms. Berdnado underwent a complete transformation. She went from being a dark skin woman to a fair-skinned one within fractions of a second thanks to a Ripple effect.
  • Really Gets Around: Cherly's grandfather couldn't keep it in his pants but it allowed Myrtle to finally have some blood relatives.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: While trying to get a burger "Michael" runs afoul of a Karen. Rather than put up with her he spends several paragraphs tearing her down her attitude. Her false sense of importance and how everybody who cared about her has left her because she can't accept she's no longer the wealthy Alpha Bitch queen bee she was in high school. She leaves utterly speechless and the employees thank him.
    • Lincoln delivers one to Lori after finding out the reason for the sister fight protocol was about a dress... again:

    Lori: Leni and I were arguing over a dress, and … we um
    Lincoln: A dress, Again?! Are you f*cking sh*tting me?!
    [Anguished Outburst ensues]
    Lincoln: Why are we even in this situation? Leni is an accomplished fashion designer. Think, Lori, think! She could've made you a custom-made dress instead of this bullsh*t! Why am I even telling you this? You girls barely listen to anything I have to say anyway. I'm out of here.

  • Rejected Apology: Lincoln sees right through Cristina's apology as fake, forced, and partly done out of fear of Lincoln's sisters coming after her. However, he makes it clear he doesn't hate Cristina, but only he gets to decide when he'll associate with Christina again.
  • Related in the Adaptation: This is what happened to several characters in the story. Cristina and Thicc QT are cousins. Same with Maggie and Haiku. Again Myrtle, Cheryl, Hugh, and Sweater QT. Although the relationship between Hugh and Cherly is more of an honorary aunt. Polly Pain's grandparents are Scoots and T-bone. Alexandria/Karate's mom is Lynn's soccer coach.
  • Retired Badass: Grandpa Pop-Pop, who may not have been to Vietnam in decades, but can still put up one hell of a fight under the right motivation.
  • Ripple Effect Indicator: Ms. Bernardo slowly morphs into her current design due to Michael's action. Nobody knows the difference.
  • Ripple-Effect-Proof Memory: A recurring problem for Lincoln as he's the only one noticing the changes from Michael's actions. Somewhat averted as someone assures that Lincoln doesn't recall any changes to the timeline. Even Lisa to protect Lincoln
  • Ruder and Cruder: There is definitely a lot more swearing and suggestive humour than you would see in a typical Nickelodeon show.
  • Second Place Is for Losers: Bumper Jr. has been winning his entire life. He has a room full of trophies to himself to prove how great he is. When Lynn Jr. wins first place at the state math bowl instead of him and leaves him with a second-place trophy, he starts plotting his revenge.
  • Secret Test of Character: Of course three children with months of training weren't expected to defeat two well-trained adults. The purpose was for them to understand when it was better to know when to quit.
  • Sexy Surfacing Shot: A rare male case, as all of the girls at Girl Jordan's party very much appreciate the sight of Lincoln getting out of the pool.
  • She's Not My Girlfriend: Lincoln and Ronnie's relationship is ... strange. Both established that they're better off as friends. However, the two aren't against the idea of dating. Ronnie repeatedly says this while with her friends in Great Lake City but they don't believe it. It doesn't help that Ronnie also furiously warns them away from trying to date Lincoln.
  • Ship Tease: Between Lincoln and... well, a lot of girls.
  • Shipper on Deck: Lucy is a MASSIVE Lincoln x Haiku shipper. She even has a scrapbook dedicated to it and taking any chance to document any moment.
  • Shipper with an Agenda:
    • The Loud sisters want to force on Lincoln a partner who they think would make Lincoln the brother they want him to be. Only Leni avoids this, wanting Lincoln to marry a girl he wants and calls the others out for trying to use Lincoln's romance for their own gain.
    • Nikki's mom is a negative version of this trope, only wanting her daughter to date Lincoln because he is a white kid. The woman especially doesn't want him to date Ronnie Anne and have "half breeds". Nikki isn't down for this one bit.
  • Shout-Out: When Lucy draws The World card in her fortune reading, Lincoln checks his watch to make sure time is still flowing.
  • Shower of Awkward: Lincoln accidentally walks in on Carlota in the shower.
  • Single Woman Seeks Good Man: Lincoln's fangirls genuinely find him to be a good, loving, and generous kid.
  • Sleep Cute: A double dose for Lincoln. First with Lynn under the advice of Margo in an attempt to apologize for the NSL incident. All with an ‘I love you’ and kiss on the cheek much to his confusion.
    • Then with Leni later that night after Lincoln was attacked by Tetherby. She sneaked into his room while he’s sleeping. His instincts detected her presence and opened a spot for her that she happily obliged before saying I love you to each other.
  • So Proud of You: Lynn challenged Lincoln to boxing match. His skills and training paid off as he lasted six round with round and got the winning punch if he didn't held back. She lost but she couldn't be happier.
  • Stacy's Mom: Lincoln is not pleased to find out that all his friends think his mom is hot.
  • Super-Strength: When Lincoln refuses a cookie from Cookie, she gets mad enough to uproot a tree. Apparently, she gets this from her mother.
  • Take That!: Throughout the story, there are numerous swipes at the infamous "No Such Luck" episode, with several of the Loud siblings bringing up how their relationship with Lincoln is still rebuilding. One of Rita's cousins furiously asks her what she was thinking for doing that to her own son.
  • This Is Gonna Suck: Lincoln's reaction when he starts to train with Panda QT/Serena & Karate QT/Alexandria.
  • Through His Stomach: Stella's grandmother makes a whole buffet of Chinese cuisine in order to help Stella win over Lincoln.
  • Time Police: "Michael" the time traveler's job is to find anyone who slipped back in time without authorization to try and alter the time stream to their benefit.
  • Time Travel: Lord Tetherby is revealed to be one who came back to the past so he could be rich, while "Michael", the time cop who came back, had to capture him and undo everything he's done.
  • Took a Level in Badass: The Loud parents' attempt to make their children more "well-rounded" actually pays off to an extent. Putting Lincoln in a parkour class did actually get him in shape and make him skilled enough that he could keep up with Girl Jordan in dodgeball. He later starts martial arts/MMA training; while he's a long way away from being able to beat grown adults let alone experienced combatants in a fight, it's acknowledged that he ''will' someday, and he is currently capable of not being curb stomped by other kids his age that also train.
  • Tranquil Fury: Haiku's reaction towards Lincoln's secretiveness and attempts to downplay a topic such as his injuries and mental state during the story's adaptation of 'Predict-Ability'. She was furiously calm at him.
  • Underestimating Badassery: Albert might be retired and mildly overweight, but he was still in the navy. Underestimating him is a good way to get hurt.
  • Unknown Rival: Averted. Lynn knows full well that Bumper Jr. has been trying to mess with her, and knows it's because she beat him at the math bowl.
  • What the Hell, Hero?:
    • Polly gives Lynn Jr. a HARD right hook to her face when the latter reveals the full story of the "bad luck" incident.
    • Lincoln tells off Ronnie Anne for not mentioning him to her new friends and hiding her past in Royal Woods just because it would ruin her street cred.
  • Would Harm a Child: Yeah, Tetherby's life has gone rock bottom. He followed and attempted to attack Lincoln in the park for in his mind 'ruining his life'.
  • Would Hit a Girl: Lincoln often fought with his sisters but that's when it's all of them. He pushed, punched and put Lori in an armbar due to her attempting to kick him out of his room again because of the Sister Fight Protocol
  • Wrench Wench: Stella has shown hints of this with her desire, knowledge about technology especially robotics. She even has a mini-tool kit on hand.
  • Younger Than They Look: Lynn is not happy to find out that the much taller and much more developed Maggie only just turned thirteen despite looking like she's Luna's age.
QT Quarrel (Fanfic) - TV Tropes (2024)


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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.