Subnautica cheat commands can make your experience much more enjoyable and stress-free. If you're struggling to find the item or crafting ingredient you need, spawn codes can be used to obtain the object you're looking for immediately. All you'll need to do is open the command console and type in the spawn code for that particular item. Here's a list of all the Subnautica Item IDs and codes to spawn them in, and how to do it on each platform.
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Subnautica Codes
All Subnautica Item ID and Spawn Codes List
All Consumable Codes
All Vehicle Codes
All Base Parts Codes
All Seed Codes
All Egg Codes
All Material Codes
All Deployable Codes
All Tool Codes
All Equipment Codes
How to use Spawn Codes in Subnautica
How to use Subnautica Spawn Codes on PC
How to use Subnautica Spawn Codes on Xbox
How to use Subnautica Spawn Codes on PlayStation
All Subnautica Item ID and Spawn Codes List
All Consumable Codes
Item: | Item ID: | Spawn Code: |
Bladderfish | bladderfish | spawn bladderfish |
Cooked Bladderfish | cookedbladderfish | spawn cookedbladderfish |
Cured Bladderfish | curedbladderfish | spawn curedbladderfish |
Boomerang | boomerang | spawn boomerang |
Cooked Boomerang | cookedboomerang | spawn cookedboomerang |
Cured Boomerang | curedboomerang | spawn curedboomerang |
Eyeye | eyeye | spawn eyeye |
Cooked Eyeye | cookedeyeye | spawn cookedeyeye |
Cured Eyeye | curedeyeye | spawn curedeyeye |
Garryfish | garryfish | spawn garryfish |
Cooked Garryfish | cookedgarryfish | spawn cookedgarryfish |
Cured Garryfish | curedgarryfish | spawn curedgarryfish |
Holefish | holefish | spawn holefish |
Cooked Holefish | cookedholefish | spawn cookedholefish |
Cured Holefish | curedholefish | spawn curedholefish |
Hoopfish | hoopfish | spawn hoopfish |
Cooked Hoopfish | cookedhoopfish | spawn cookedhoopfish |
Cured Hoopfish | curedhoopfish | spawn curedhoopfish |
Hoverfish | hoverfish | spawn hoverfish |
Cooked Hoverfish | cookedhoverfish | spawn cookedhoverfish |
Cured Hoverfish | curedhoverfish | spawn curedhoverfish |
Magmarang | lavaboomerang | spawn lavaboomerang |
Cooked Magmarang | cookedlavaboomerang | spawn cookedlavaboomerang |
Cured Magmarang | curedlavaboomerang | spawn curedlavaboomerang |
Oculus | oculus | spawn oculus |
Cooked Oculus | cookedoculus | spawn cookedoculus |
Cured Oculus | curedoculus | spawn curedoculus |
Peeper | peeper | spawn peeper |
Cooked Peeper | cookedpeeper | spawn cookedpeeper |
Cured Peeper | curedpeeper | spawn curedpeeper |
Red Eyeye | lavaeyeye | spawn lavaeyeye |
Cooked Red Eyeye | cookedlavaeyeye | spawn cookedlavaeyeye |
Cured Red Eyeye | curedlavaeyeye | spawn curedlavaeyeye |
Reginald | reginald | spawn reginald |
Cooked Reginald | cookedreginal | spawn cookedreginal |
Cured Reginald | curedreginald | spawn curedreginald |
Spadefish | spadefish | spawn spadefish |
Cooked Spadefish | cookedspadefish | spawn cookedspadefish |
Cured Spadefish | curedspadefish | spawn curedspadefish |
Spinefish | spinefish | spawn spinefish |
Cooked Spinefish | cookedspinefish | spawn cookedspinefish |
Cured Spinefish | curedspinefish | spawn curedspinefish |
Item: | Item ID: | Spawn Code: |
Chinese Potato | purplevegetable | spawn purplevegetable |
Lantern Fruit | hangingfruit | spawn hangingfruit |
Marblemelon | melon | spawn melon |
Mix Chips | snack1 | spawn snack1 |
Nutrient Block | nutrientblock | spawn nutrientblock |
Potato Mix | snack3 | spawn snack3 |
Rice Snack | snack2 | spawn snack2 |
Item: | Item ID: | Spawn Code: |
Coffee Americano | coffee | spawn coffee |
Disinfected Water | disinfectedwater | spawn disinfectedwater |
Filtered Water | filteredwater | spawn filteredwater |
Large Filtered Water | bigfilteredwater | spawn bigfilteredwater |
Reclaimed Water | stillsuitwater | spawn stillsuitwater |
All Vehicle Codes
Item: | Item ID: | Spawn Code: |
Cyclops | cyclops | spawn cyclops |
Prawn Suit | exosuit | spawn exosuit |
Seamoth | seamoth | spawn seamoth |
Vehicle Upgrades
Item: | Item ID: | Spawn Code: |
Engine Efficiency Module | vehiclepowerupgrademodule | spawn vehiclepowerupgrademodule |
Hull Reinforcement | vehiclearmorplating | spawn vehiclearmorplating |
Storage Module | vehiclestoragemodule | spawn vehiclestoragemodule |
Cyclops Decoy Tube Upgrade | cyclopsdecoymodule | spawn cyclopsdecoymodule |
Cyclops Depth Module MK1 | cyclopshullmodule1 | spawn cyclopshullmodule1 |
Cyclops Depth Module MK2 | cyclopshullmodule2 | spawn cyclopshullmodule2 |
Cyclops Docking Bay Repair Module | cyclopsseamothrepairmodule | spawn cyclopsseamothrepairmodule |
Cyclops Engine Efficiency Module | powerupgrademodule | spawn powerupgrademodule |
Cyclops Fire Suppression System | cyclopsfiresuppressionmodule | spawn cyclopsfiresuppressionmodule |
Cyclops Shield Generator | cyclopsshieldmodule | spawn cyclopsshieldmodule |
Cyclops Sonar Upgrade | cyclopssonarmodule | spawn cyclopssonarmodule |
Cyclops Thermal Reactor Module | cyclopsthermalreactormodule | spawn cyclopsthermalreactormodule |
Prawn Suit Depth Module MK1 | exohullmodule1 | spawn exohullmodule1 |
Prawn Suit Depth Module MK2 | exohullmodule2 | spawn exohullmodule2 |
Prawn Suit Drill Arm | exosuitdrillarmmodule | spawn exosuitdrillarmmodule |
Prawn Suit Grappling Arm | exosuitgrapplingarmmodule | spawn exosuitgrapplingarmmodule |
Prawn Suit Jump Jet Upgrade | exosuitjetupgrademodule | spawn exosuitjetupgrademodule |
Prawn Suit Propulsion Cannon | exosuitpropulsionarmmodule | spawn exosuitpropulsionarmmodule |
Prawn Suit Thermal Reactor | exosuitthermalreactormodule | spawn exosuitthermalreactormodule |
Prawn Suit Torpedo Arm | exosuittorpedoarmmodule | spawn exosuittorpedoarmmodule |
Seamoth Depth Module MK1 | vehiclehullmodule1 | spawn vehiclehullmodule1 |
Seamoth Depth Module MK2 | vehiclehullmodule2 | spawn vehiclehullmodule2 |
Seamoth Depth Module MK3 | vehiclehullmodule3 | spawn vehiclehullmodule3 |
Seamoth Perimeter Defense System | seamothelectricaldefense | spawn seamothelectricaldefense |
Seamoth Solar Charger | seamothsolarcharge | spawn seamothsolarcharge |
Seamoth Sonar | seamothsonarmodule | spawn seamothsonarmodule |
Torpedo System | seamothtorpedomodule | spawn seamothtorpedomodule |
All Base Parts Codes
Item: | Item ID: | Spawn Code: |
I Compartment | basecorridori | spawn basecorridori |
L Compartment | basecorridorl | spawn basecorridorl |
T Compartment | basecorridort | spawn basecorridort |
X Compartment | basecorridorx | spawn basecorridorx |
Foundation | basefoundation | spawn basefoundation |
Glass Compartment | basecorridorglassi | spawn basecorridorglassi |
L Glass Compartment | basecorridorglassl | spawn basecorridorglassl |
Hatch | basehatch | spawn basehatch |
Multipurpose Room | baseroom | spawn baseroom |
Moonpool | basemoonpool | spawn basemoonpool |
Observatory | baseobservatory | spawn baseobservatory |
Reinforcement | basereinforcement | spawn basereinforcement |
Scanner Room | basemaproom | spawn basemaproom |
Vertical Connector | baseconnector | spawn baseconnector |
Window | basewindow | spawn basewindow |
Item: | Item ID: | Spawn Code: |
Alien Containment | basewaterpark | spawn basewaterpark |
Bioreactor | basebioreactor | spawn basebioreactor |
Bulkhead | basebulkhead | spawn basebulkhead |
Ladder | baseladder | spawn baseladder |
Nuclear Reactor | basenuclearreactor | spawn basenuclearreactor |
Water Filtration Machine | basefiltrationmachine | spawn basefiltrationmachine |
Aquarium | aquarium | spawn aquarium |
Basic Plant Pot | planterpot | spawn planterpot |
Battery Charger | batterycharger | spawn batterycharger |
Chic Plant Pot | planterpot3 | spawn planterpot3 |
Composite Plant Pot | planterpot2 | spawn planterpot2 |
Fabricator | fabricator | spawn fabricator |
Indoor Growbed | planterbox | spawn planterbox |
Locker | locker | spawn locker |
Medical Kit Fabricator | medicalcabinet | spawn medicalcabinet |
Modification Station | workbench | spawn workbench |
Plant Shelf | plantershelf | spawn plantershelf |
Power Cell Charger | powercellcharger | spawn powercellcharger |
Radio | radio | spawn radio |
Wall Locker | smalllocker | spawn smalllocker |
Camera Drone | maproomcamera | spawn maproomcamera |
Scanner Room HUD Chip | maproomhudchip | spawn maproomhudchip |
Scanner Room Range Upgrade | maproomupgradescanrange | spawn maproomupgradescanrange |
Scanner Room Speed Upgrade | maproomupgradescanspeed | spawn maproomupgradescanspeed |
Item: | Item ID: | Spawn Code: |
Bar Table | bartable | spawn bartable |
Basic Double | bed1 | spawn bed1 |
Bench | bench | spawn bench |
Coffee Vending Machine | coffeevendingmachine | spawn coffeevendingmachine |
Command Chair | starshipchair3 | spawn starshipchair3 |
Counter | labcounter | spawn labcounter |
Desk | starshipdesk | spawn starshipdesk |
Nuclear Waste Disposal | labtrashcan | spawn labtrashcan |
Office Chair | starshipchair2 | spawn starshipchair2 |
Picture Frame | pictureframe | spawn pictureframe |
Quilted Double Bed | bed2 | spawn bed2 |
Sign | sign | spawn sign |
Single Bed | narrowbed | spawn narrowbed |
Single Wall Shelf | singlewallshelf | spawn singlewallshelf |
Swivel Chair | starshipchair | spawn starshipchair |
Trash Can | trashcans | spawn trashcans |
Vending Machine | vendingmachine | spawn vendingmachine |
Wall Planter | baseplanter | spawn baseplanter |
Wall Shelves | wallshelves | spawn wallshelves |
Arcade Gorge Toy | arcadegorgetoy | spawn arcadegorgetoy |
Aurora Miniature | starshipsouvenir | spawn starshipsouvenir |
Aurora Poster | posteraurora | spawn posteraurora |
Blue Cap | cap2 | spawn cap2 |
Carry-all | luggagebag | spawn luggagebag |
Cylindrical Sample Flask | labcontainer3 | spawn labcontainer3 |
Electron Microscope | labequipment1 | spawn labequipment1 |
Fluid Analyzer | labequipment2 | spawn labequipment2 |
Gray Cap | cap1 | spawn cap1 |
Keep Calm Poster | posterkitty | spawn posterkitty |
Large Sample Flask | labcontainer | spawn labcontainer |
Natural Selection 2 Poster | poster | spawn poster |
Prawn Suit Poster (Land) | posterexosuit1 | spawn posterexosuit1 |
Prawn Suit Poster (Sea) | posterexosuit2 | spawn posterexosuit2 |
Sample Analyzer | labequipment3 | spawn labequipment3 |
Small Sample Flask | labcontainer2 | spawn labcontainer2 |
Toy Car | toycar | spawn toycar |
All Seed Codes
Item: | Item ID: | Spawn Code: |
Acid Mushroom Spore | acidmushroomspore | spawn acidmushroomspore |
Blood Oil | bloodoil | spawn bloodoil |
Blue Palm Seed | bluepalmseed | spawn bluepalmseed |
Brain Coral Sample | purplebraincoralpiece | spawn purplebraincoralpiece |
Bulb Bush Sample | kooshchunk | spawn kooshchunk |
Bulbo Tree Sample | bulbotreepiece | spawn bulbotreepiece |
Cave Bush Seed | purplebranchesseed | spawn purplebranchesseed |
Chinese Potato | purplevegetable | spawn purplevegetable |
Creepvine Sample | creepvinepiece | spawn creepvinepiece |
Deep Shroom Spore | whitemushroomspore | spawn whitemushroomspore |
Eye Stalk Seed | eyesplantseed | spawn eyesplantseed |
Fern Palm Seed | fernpalmseed | spawn fernpalmseed |
Furled Papyrus Seed | redrollplantseed | spawn redrollplantseed |
Gabe's Feather Seed | gabesfeatherseed | spawn gabesfeatherseed |
Gel Sack Spores | jellyplantseed | spawn jellyplantseed |
Ghost Weed Seed | redgreententacleseed | spawn redgreententacleseed |
Grub Basket Seed | orangepetalsplantseed | spawn orangepetalsplantseed |
Jaffa Cup Seed | orangemushroomspore | spawn orangemushroomspore |
Jellyshroom Spore | snakemushroomspore | spawn snakemushroomspore |
Lantern Fruit | hangingfruit | spawn hangingfruit |
Marblemelon Seeds | melonseed | spawn melonseed |
Membrain Tree Seed | membraintreeseed | spawn membraintreeseed |
Ming Plant Seed | purplevaseplantseed | spawn purplevaseplantseed |
Pink Cap Spore | pinkmushroomspore | spawn pinkmushroomspore |
Pygmy Fan Seed | smallfanseed | spawn smallfanseed |
Redwort Seed | redbushseed | spawn redbushseed |
Regress Shell Seed | redconeplantseed | spawn redconeplantseed |
Rouge Cradle Seed | redbasketplantseed | spawn redbasketplantseed |
Sea Crown Seed | seacrownseed | spawn seacrownseed |
Speckled Rattler Spore | purplerattlespore | spawn purplerattlespore |
Spiked Horn Grass Seed | shellgrassseed | spawn shellgrassseed |
Spotted Dockleaf Seed | spottedleavesplantseed | spawn spottedleavesplantseed |
Tiger Plant Seed | spikeplantseed | spawn spikeplantseed |
Veined Nettle Seed | purplefanseed | spawn purplefanseed |
Violet Beau Seed | purplestalkseed | spawn purplestalkseed |
Voxel Shrub | pinkflowerseed | spawn pinkflowerseed |
Writhing Weed Seed | purpletentacleseed | spawn purpletentacleseed |
All Egg Codes
Item: | Item ID: | Spawn Code: |
Ampeel Egg | shockeregg | spawn shockeregg |
Boneshark Egg | bonesharkegg | spawn bonesharkegg |
Crabsnake Egg | crabsnakeegg | spawn crabsnakeegg |
Crabsquid Egg | crabsquidegg | spawn crabsquidegg |
Crashfish Egg | crashegg | spawn crashegg |
Cuddlefish Egg | cutefishegg | spawn cutefishegg |
Gasopod Egg | gasopodegg | spawn gasopodegg |
Jellyray Egg | jellyrayegg | spawn jellyrayegg |
Lava Lizard Egg | lavalizardegg | spawn lavalizardegg |
Mesmer Egg | mesmeregg | spawn Rabbit Ray Egg |
Reefback Leviathan Egg | reefbackegg | spawn reefbackegg |
Sand Shark Egg | sandsharkegg | spawn sandsharkegg |
Shuttlebug Egg | jumperegg | spawn jumperegg |
Spadefish Egg | spadefishegg | spawn spadefishegg |
Stalker Egg | stalkeregg | spawn stalkeregg |
Related: How to make Aerogel in Subnautica
All Material Codes
Item: | Item ID: | Spawn Code: |
Bleach | bleach | spawn bleach |
Enameled Glass | enameledglass | spawn enameledglass |
Fiber Mesh | fibermesh | spawn fibermesh |
Glass | glass | spawn glass |
Lubricant | lubricant | spawn lubricant |
Plasteel Ingot | plasteelingot | spawn plasteelingot |
Silicone Rubber | silicone | spawn silicone |
Titanium Ingot | titaniumingot | spawn titaniumingot |
Item: | Item ID: | Spawn Code: |
Advanced Wiring Kit | advancedwiringkit | spawn advancedwiringkit |
Battery | battery | spawn battery |
Computer Chip | computerchip | spawn computerchip |
Copper Wire | copperwire | spawn copperwire |
Ion Battery | precursorionbattery | spawn precursorionbattery |
Ion Power Cell | precursorionpowercell | spawn precursorionpowercell |
Power Cell | powercell | spawn powercell |
Reactor Rod | reactorrod | spawn reactorrod |
Wiring Kit | wiringkit | spawn wiringkit |
Raw Materials
Item: | Item ID: | Spawn Code: |
Acid Mushroom | acidmushroom | spawn acidmushroom |
Alien Feces | seatreaderpoop | spawn seatreaderpoop |
Blood Oil | bloodoil | spawn bloodoil |
Coral Tube Sample | coralchunk | spawn coralchunk |
Cave Sulfur | crashpowder | spawn crashpowder |
Copper Ore | copper | spawn copper |
Creepvine Sample | creepvinepiece | spawn creepvinepiece |
Creepvine Seed Cluster | creepvineseedcluster | spawn creepvineseedcluster |
Crystalline Sulfur | sulphur | spawn sulphur |
Deep Shroom | whitemushroom | spawn whitemushroom |
Diamond | diamond | spawn diamond |
Fungal Sample | treemushroompiece | spawn treemushroompiece |
Gas Pod | gaspod | spawn gaspod |
Gel Sack | jellyplant | spawn jellyplant |
Gold | gold | spawn gold |
Kyanite | kyanite | spawn kyanite |
Lead | lead | spawn lead |
Lithium | lithium | spawn lithium |
Magnetite | magnetite | spawn magnetite |
Metal Salvage | scrapmetal | spawn scrapmetal |
Nickel Ore | nickel | spawn nickel |
Pink Cap | pinkmushroom | spawn pinkmushroom |
Quartz | quartz | spawn quartz |
Ruby | aluminumoxide | spawn aluminumoxide |
Salt Deposit | salt | spawn salt |
Silver Ore | silver | spawn silver |
Small Marblemelon | smallmelon | spawn smallmelon |
Speckled Rattler | purplerattle | spawn purplerattle |
Stalker Teeth | stalkertooth | spawn stalkertooth |
Table Coral Sample | jeweleddiskpiece | spawn jeweleddiskpiece |
Titanium | titanium | spawn titanium |
Uraninite Crystal | uraninitecrystal | spawn uraninitecrystal |
All Deployable Codes
Item: | Item ID: | Spawn Code: |
Beacon | beacon | spawn beacon |
Creature Decoy | cyclopsdecoy | spawn cyclopsdecoy |
Grav Trap | gravsphere | spawn gravsphere |
Mobile Vehicle Bay | constructor | spawn constructor |
Seaglide | seaglide | spawn seaglide |
Waterproof Locker | smallstorage | spawn smallstorage |
All Tool Codes
Item: | Item ID: | Spawn Code: |
Air Bladder | airbladder | spawn airbladder |
Flare | flare | spawn flare |
Flashlight | flashlight | spawn flashlight |
Habitat Builder | builder | spawn builder |
Laser Cutter | lasercutter | spawn lasercutter |
Light Stick | ledlight | spawn ledlight |
Pathfinder Tool | divereel | spawn divereel |
Propulsion Cannon | propulsioncannon | spawn propulsioncannon |
Repair Tool | welder | spawn welder |
Repulsion Cannon | repulsioncannon | spawn repulsioncannon |
Scanner | scanner | spawn scanner |
Stasis Rifle | stasisrifle | spawn stasisrifle |
Survival Knife | knife | spawn knife |
Thermoblade | heatblade | spawn heatblade |
All Equipment Codes
Item: | Item ID: | Spawn Code: |
Compass | compass | spawn compass |
Fins | fins | spawn fins |
Fire Extinguisher | fireextinguisher | spawn fireextinguisher |
First Aid Kit | firstaidkit | spawn firstaidkit |
Floating Air Pump | pipesurfacefloater | spawn pipesurfacefloater |
High Capacity O₂ Tank | doubletank | spawn doubletank |
Lightweight High Capacity Tank | plasteeltank | spawn plasteeltank |
Pipe | pipe | spawn pipe |
Radiation Suit | radiationsuit | spawn radiationsuit |
Rebreather | rebreather | spawn rebreather |
Reinforced Dive Suit | reinforceddivesuit | spawn reinforceddivesuit |
Standard O₂ Tank | tank | spawn tank |
Stillsuit | stillsuit | spawn stillsuit |
Swim Charge Fins | swimchargefins | spawn swimchargefins |
Ultra Glide Fins | ultraglidefins | spawn ultraglidefins |
Ultra High Capacity Tank | highcapacitytank | spawn highcapacitytank |
Related: Does Subnautica Have a Randomized Map?
How to use Spawn Codes in Subnautica
To use Spawn Codes, you will need to use console commands menu. Here you can enter various cheat codes in the game, but it will automatically disable achievements for your game as well. Opening the console commands is different depending on what console you are using, so follow the correct platform intstructions below:
How to use Subnautica Spawn Codes on PC
- To open the console commands menu on PC, press Shift+Enter+` on your keyboard.
- Once the menu is open, type the command in the box: spawn (item ID) e.g: "spawn fins"
- Press Enter to run the command and then exit the menu to enjoy your spawned item.
How to use Subnautica Spawn Codes on Xbox
- To open the console commands menu on Xbox, press X+A+LB+RB on your controller.
- Once the menu is open, type the command in the box: spawn (item ID) e.g: "spawn fins"
- Press Start on your controller and then exit the menu to enjoy your spawned item.
How to use Subnautica Spawn Codes on PlayStation
- To open the console commands menu on PlayStation, press Square+X+L1+L2 on your controller.
- Once the menu is open, type the command in the box: spawn (item ID) e.g: "spawn fins"
- Press Start on your controller and then exit the menu to enjoy your spawned item.
Looking for more Pro Game Guides Subnautica content? Check out our guides on Where is the Frozen Leviathan in Subnautica: Below Zero or How to see Coordinates in Subnautica: Below Zero!
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